
多样性、股票 & 包容

While the issues of racial in股本 and systemic racism are not unique to Houston, we have an opportunity as Houstonians to lead the way in reforming broken systems, 与社区合作, 提供支持和消除障碍. We often speak with pride of Houston being "America’s most diverse city." Now we must work to make Houston "America’s most inclusive and open city", 一个真正为所有人提供机会的国家.“合作伙伴关系和我们所代表的900家成员公司和机构致力于这一努力.

一起的休斯顿 is a data-driven effort of 100+ businesses, 机构, and nonprofit organizations to advance people of color into senior management roles, 增加公司董事会的种族多样性, 增加对少数族裔企业的支出.



区域评估是517888九五至尊规划和推进一些(多样性)进展的重要工具, 股本, 和包容). 请按连结浏览主要调查结果, 2023名参与者的名单, 以及交互式行业仪表盘. 


Houston has joined the national Best Place for Working Parents® partnership, 为各种规模的企业提供实时指定,这些企业的家庭友好政策首次符合条件, 3分钟在线自我评估. 

Houston Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Impact 分析

This report is a joint effort of the 大休斯顿伙伴关系’s 一起的休斯顿 and the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC). The following tables summarize the economic impact of HMSDC-certified Minority Businesses Enterprises in the nine-county Houston MSA. 虽然整个地区有许多其他的mbe, HMSDC的数据被用作衡量中小企业在本地区日益增长的经济影响的指标.

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The Partnership’s 种族平等原则 are a framework to communicate the Houston business community’s pledge to reforming systems of bias, 加强服务欠缺的社区, 提倡包容, 消除通往成功的障碍. Although many businesses have made their own individual statements and pledges, 这种统一的做法发出了一个重要的信号,表明休斯敦商界的集体承诺. The Principles articulate how the Partnership and individual businesses can commit to advancing racial 股本 within their organizations and throughout our community.


In 2020, the Partnership established a board committee to guide the organization's actions in addressing racial 股本 and racial justice issues in Houston. The mission of the 种族平等委员会 is to harness the collective commitment 和资源 of Houston’s businesses and 机构 to advance bold solutions to strengthen Houston as the most diverse, 一个包容和公平的美国城市.

这个委员会的运作水平相当于我们另外两个“仅限董事会成员”的方向制定委员会, the 公共政策 Steering and Economic Development Steering committees. 该委员会目前由壳牌石油公司总裁Gretchen Watkins担任联席主席., and Melanie Johnson, President and CEO of Collaborative for Children. Click the link below for the full roster of committee members.






Defining and understanding systemic and individual racism.



种族如何影响休斯顿地区个人和社区的教育机会? What can we do to ensure quality education is accessible to all?






今天,一个人的邮政编码仍然是衡量其健康和财富的最佳指标之一. 但是,我们正在重新努力缩小本地区社区在公平方面的差距.


The Business Community's Role in Addressing Racial Inequities




大休斯顿伙伴关系在2021年SXSW虚拟会议期间展示了休斯顿之家. 此次活动围绕包括创新在内的一系列话题展开了坦诚的对话, 517888九五至尊和一些的未来. 



How are local business leaders working to advance diversity, 股本 和包容 within their companies and what is the Partnership doing through 一起的休斯顿 to help guide that work?

Member Spotlight on Sodexo's Roadmap to Global 包容; Updated MBE 分析 for Houston

Mia Mends is the Global Chief 一些 Officer and CEO of Impact Ventures at Sodexo, an international facilities management and food services company with 420,全球有5000名员工.

How 2 Organizations are Building a Sustainable Process for Hiring Diversity

The Partnership’s 一起的休斯顿 人才 Roundtable gathers the region’s leading employers to share best practices and tools for advancing talent diversity in deliberate and measurable ways.

Driving Action to Advance 包容 and Strategic 人才 Development and Retention

一家全球性公司如何从头开始实施有效的多元化和包容性战略? And what does outside-the-box thinking look like when it comes to education benefits that significantly move the needle on talent retention?

Member Spotlight on JPMorgan Chase's $30B Commitment to 种族权益

As part of its ongoing effort to showcase success in supplier diversity, the Partnership’s 一起的休斯顿 initiative hosted its latest roundtable discussion in late April featuring a case study with financial services firm JPMorgan Chase & Co.



10 Proven Actions to Advance 多样性、股票 and 包容, 贝恩 & 公司
贝恩’s research finds evidence that 10 specific tactics—some common, others underused—are particularly effective at advancing diversity, 股本, 以及工作场所的包容性.

Amplified Calls for 种族权益 Need Amplified Responses, 波士顿咨询集团
Despite efforts to promote 股本, many employees say companies haven’t done enough. 创造一个公平的环境不仅仅是雇佣一个多元化的团队,而且对整个公司都有好处. 

Getting Serious 关于 Diversity: Enough Already with the Business Case, 罗宾·J. 伊利和大卫A. 托马斯,哈佛商业评论
This argues that to fully benefit from increased racial and gender diversity, 组织必须以学习为导向,愿意改变企业文化和权力结构.

引领多元化、公平和包容, 普华永道
学习 how a 一些 data focus can help corporate directors oversee 一些 progress.

节流效应, 安吉拉·格洛弗·布莱克威尔,斯坦福创新评论 
旨在使弱势群体受益的法律和项目, 比如残疾人或有色人种, 往往最终会造福整个社会.






金德研究所研究收入差距, 受教育程度, neighborhood services and other metrics and their impact on opportunity.



理解休斯顿聚合了多个数据源的数据,以提供一个可访问的, 了解休斯顿人口最多的三个县的关键生活质量问题的一站式平台.




区域评估:工作场所多样性, Minority Business Spending in Houston Outperforms National Benchmarks

休斯顿(10月4日), 2023) – Houston companies have advanced on a set of key metrics that measure progress on removing barriers to opportunity for all, according to an analysis commissioned as part of 一起的休斯顿, 这是大休斯顿伙伴关系董事会种族平等委员会的一项倡议. 2023年休斯顿地区公平 & 包括评估 highlights practices local employers use to encourage and create a more equitable and inclusive region. A total of 92 companies and organizations employing more than 265,000 Houstonians across the 12-country region participated in the 2023 assessment with a core group of 64 organizations returning from the 2021 cohort.  与全国趋势相比, 休斯顿在性别多样性方面表现更好, 大多数向上流动类别, 以及对少数族裔企业的投资. 2023年的结果表明了黑人的代表性, 土著, and people of color (BIPOC) in the workforce has increased along with the group’s share of workforce promotions over the last two years. 两年一次的评估也显示了对采用促进多样性的最佳做法的重大承诺, 组织内部的公平和包容. “Houston’s progress across these measures is encouraging. The 种族平等委员会 looks forward to continued movement in the next few years and invites other companies and 机构 in Houston to join the effort,格雷琴·沃特金斯说, co-chair of the Partnership’s 种族平等委员会 and President of Shell USA, 公司. “休斯顿公司可以共同推动行动,为所有休斯顿人创造机会.” Key areas of progress highlighted by the assessment include: 向上流动 Representation of BIPOC in the workforce has increased by 7%, 从2021年的60%上升到2023年的64%. This closely tracks with Houston census data of 67% BIPOC population in the region  BIPOC在董事会席位中的份额增加了约13%,目前占董事会席位的约34%,而2021年为约30% BIPOC在员工晋升中的份额从2021年的52%增加到2023年的60%,增幅超过15% Percentage of female new hires has grown by 21% from 54% to 66%, 将女性在劳动力中的比例提高到60%. Additionally, females’ share of workforce promotions grew by 16% from 44% to 51% 供应商的多样性 Initiatives put in place appear to have had a positive impact on supplier diversity, with 25% of organizations setting MBE spend targets; up from 9% in 2021 The average number of MBE vendors used by organizations is up 1.7x,现在大约有66家MBE供应商使用. ~38 in 2021. 全国平均水平约为11家MBE供应商 在休斯顿,公司的平均MBE支出为5美元.占总预算的4%.全国6% 一些实践的成熟度 Houston’s “Maturity of 一些 Best Practices” continues to average at “proactive” (46% adoption of best practices) across 15 categories, 有几个类别的平均水平为“渐进”(超过50%的最佳实践采用率) Law and Professional Services industries lead 一些 best practices maturity, outperforming other sectors in the Houston region on 13 out of 15 categories “自2021年以来, 一起的休斯顿 has brought together more than 120 companies and organizations to offer peer learning and share data-driven insights, 行业基准, 最佳实践,拉塔尼亚·弗里斯说, 负责多元化事务的高级副总裁, 股本, 和包容. “The improvement demonstrated by the 2023 assessment results is evidence of the business community’s commitment to this important work, 同时也确定了休斯顿公司可以继续取得进展的机会领域.” Despite a noticeable increase in 拉美裔s in the workforce of ~15%, 拉美裔s remain the only group underrepresented at all workforce levels. 也, BIPOC share of promotions to senior management positions has dropped by ~40%, 从2021年的55%到2023年的33%. 调查结果还表明,女性晋升到高级职位和董事会席位的速度有所放缓. 尽管供应商多样性取得了进展, 只有51%的受访者报告了MBE支出, 因此,这些报告的数字可能并不能代表整个地区经济的情况.  在交互式仪表板上查看完整的评估结果. 查看下面的视频,了解结果的梗概. 关于一起的休斯顿 一起的休斯顿 galvanizes Houston-region business leaders to drive change in two areas where the Partnership believes the business community can have the greatest impact – creating pathways for talent advancement and leveraging our buying power. 通过在区域范围内解决这些问题, Partnership members can measure individual and collective progress over time, 确定重点领域,并加强对消除平等机会障碍的共同承诺. Partnership members participate in 人才 and 供应商的多样性 Roundtables, 人才说, 休斯顿买家群体, CPO召开, 以及行业工作组.  关于休斯顿地区公平 & 包括评估 Initially launched in 2021, the biennial Houston Regional 股本 & 包括评估 is the first of its kind among major U.S. 地铁, 衡量受访者在劳动力和领导力方面的进展,种族和性别多样性, 供应商多元化支出, 以及15个一些最佳实践类别. A total of 92 companies and organizations employing more than 265,000 Houstonians across the 12-country region participated in the 2023 assessment. 波士顿咨询集团 provided the assessment analysis and reviewed national trends to provide context for the Houston data. Assessment respondents represent the broad spectrum of public and private organizations across key industries operating in Houston. 该评估基于全球一些基准,并被美国其他经济发展组织使用.S.  

3 Actions for Companies Developing 供应商的多样性 Programs

开发和维持一个成功的供应商多元化项目需要有目的性, 问责制, data, 和资源. This was one of the key takeaways from the 大休斯顿伙伴关系’s first interactive program that aims to improve outcomes for Minority Business Enterprises. Improving outcomes for Minority Business Enterprises is one of the two priorities of 一起的休斯顿 alongside talent advancement and board representation for people of color.  该伙伴关系为负责采购的成员设立了首个供应商多样性创新实验室, 供应商多样性与供应链. 与会者代表了包括行政和支持服务在内的七个行业, 517888九五至尊, 医疗保健和生命科学, 高等教育, 制造业, 专业服务, 还有房地产.  合伙人517888九五至尊摩根大通分享了该公司如何利用其517888九五至尊, 政策, 慈善事业, and data expertise to reduce the racial wealth gap in Black, 拉美裔, and 拉丁o communities through its Global 供应商的多样性 program. 该公司还分享了帮助他们实现517888九五至尊目标和促进经济增长的策略和最佳实践.   特邀主持人吉姆·弗林, Executive Director of Global 供应商的多样性 at JPMorgan, 还有南希·明奇罗, Vice President of Global 供应商的多样性 at JPMorgan Chase, 分享公司在发展供应商多元化计划的早期阶段应采取的三个关键行动.   了解你的数据  “You need to know who you’re working with and what you’re buying,” Minchillo said. 她鼓励公司深入研究数据,以便更好地与517888九五至尊目标和期望保持一致. 根据Minchillo的说法, 公司应该了解他们的供应商, 功能, 支出和是否有增长空间.  采用“现在、近和远”的策略  One of the strategies JPMorgan’s Global 供应商的多样性 team applies is identifying what it can do for MBEs depending on the MBEs’ needs and their stage of growth.   Companies looking to increase their spend with MBEs should focus on immediate, near-term and long-term goals as well as on the company’s growth plan to ensure that goals are achieved for both the company and the MBE.  Flynn said increasing diverse spend should be a “multiprong diverse approach” that partners with procurement divisions to ensure a pipeline of prospects.   有意识和深思熟虑  公司orporating a business partner diversity strategy versus the traditional supplier diversity approach has also been key for JPMorgan’s success. 517888九五至尊合作伙伴多元化战略为供应商多元化计划提供了更有针对性和更全面的方法.    Flynn and Minchillo reminded Partnership members that success does not happen overnight when it comes to starting or expanding a program to grow spend with MBEs. 变化是逐渐发生的,但它确实发生了, 摩根大通提供了一个路线图,可以帮助其他伙伴关系成员规划他们的路线.  通过联系daman Townsend了解更多关于合作伙伴关系的供应商多样性努力, 供应商多元化高级总监. 




Following the SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action in 高等教育, organizations continue to question how this may effect diversity, 公平和包容项目. 听三位当地领导讲述……
